My sister-in-law is engaged! Photos

I’m super excited that my sis-in-law got engaged recently and her and the fiancé let me take lots of photos in Florida!  I mean, these two are super amazingly photogenic as you can see…Like I’m jelly.  But even better I just love these guys and am ecstatic to have them as family.  So. Happy!   Congrats again you two!DSC_0216engagementengagementengagementengagementengagementengagementDSC_0255DSC_0263engaged DSC_0459 DSC_0485engagement engagement engagement engagement

My sister-in-law is engaged!

My sister-in-law is engaged!

I’ve been wanting to post this for a few weeks but have been so busy! Congrats to my amazing sis-in-law Cheryl and her fiancé Tyler! I am sooooo happy for you two! Cheryl and Ty were such good sports while we were in Florida a few weeks ago and let me take a million pictures, I can’t wait to share more soon!
Meanwhile, Happy 4th of July and a shout out to my brother Michael, the marine in our family, I love you!

My sister is engaged!

Happy Easter!  Today has been a really fantastic day because of 2 things; My parents came to visit and we got to spend Easter brunch together (which I cooked!) and my sister got engaged last night!  I couldn’t be happier at this moment.  Life is great.  Our family keeps growing and getting better and I love it!  Congrats Carly and Phil!  I love you guys!
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