Scrapbooking: dating-engagement

Lately I’ve been doing a lot of reading and I even spent a few days organizing my craft room which had a years worth of stuff that needed putting away.  I was super happy to find a crafting table with bins sized for scrapbook paper on sale at 60% off at Michaels so I got to work.  I love looking through my old photo albums from time to time so I thought I’d share some of my pages I made years ago.

Pic 1-3//The first summer we began dating (2007) and went on an awesome camping trip with all my girlfriends and their then boyfriends too.
DSC_0011DSC_0013DSC_0012Pics 4-7//My first trip to Florida, the beach,  and Disney world with Ryan’s family. A lot of good memories.DSC_0015 DSC_0016 DSC_0018 DSC_0019Pics 8-15//Our engagement album made by our good friend and wedding photographer; 2011. I love it so so so much!DSC_0047 DSC_0048 DSC_0049 DSC_0051 DSC_0052 DSC_0054 DSC_0057 I love scrapbooking but I barely make the time to do it anymore and so I love how easy it is to upload photos into online albums. The quality can be sooo good!  How do you like to keep your photos? DSC_0055

My style: stripes + hat

Hey guys, TGIF! I’ve been MIA for a few d/t one, not sleeping at all well and therefore being a grouch all day, and two, well, just see reason one.   I’m in a great mood today, however, after thrifting a bit and scoring some cute lace vintage curtains which I hung in my craft room and, I’m super excited about this,  a vintage macrame kit.  I’ve seen a lot of cute wall hangings lately and wanted to try my own and I might just use that macrame kit for it.  Date night tonight; we’re seeing Elysium and I’m eating lots of popcorn. Hope you have a wonderful weekend! xoxo  Jessica

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Hat//Epiphany boutique, Bishop arts

Tee//Dry goods

bracelet//St. Maarten

Skirt//East towne mall, Madison, WI

nails//OPI neon

Getting settled & a thrifted shirt

Oh my gosh, we’re back! We had the best vacation ever! I really mean Ever!  The beach in St. Pete is completely gorgeous; I couldn’t get enough. I could never get enough, unless of course we moved there;) (hint hint hubby).  I have lots of pictures to sort through and I can’t wait to post them.  We stopped in New Orleans for 2 nights on our drive and I loved it. What a wild place.  We spent 6 amazing days with family, the Rutherford side, and had the best time together.  We stayed in a charming condo directly on the beach and had balcony and bedroom views of the beach.  We lived and breathed beach every day and I realized that that’s where we love to be the most.  There is nothing more peaceful, inspiring and grounding than walking along barefoot on the sand and being near the endless water.

Well I have lots of cleaning, laundry and organizing to do today.  Hope you all had a great week and didn’t miss me too much, haha!  Here’s a few pics of my thrifted shirt (and my hair is getting so long I can’t believe it!)  See you soon, Jess2pose pose2 pose2vestSleeveless shirt: thrifted

Message Monday

Hello out there!  I’m sorry I haven’t been writing lately, well, for a week at least. It seems like a long time to me and I do really look forward to writing and making posts about the random stuff I do and make.  Well, seemingly random.  I think that’s what I’ve been having a problem with lately, feeling too random; like what I’m doing isn’t that meaningful.  I suppose many people go through this for many reasons. One for me is that I’ve been unemployed for about 6 months now.  I mostly love it, being at home and I’m lucky because my husband works from home as well so we get to spend so much time together; it really is awesome and I’m thankful for this time.  I fill my time with the obvious household duties of cooking and cleaning;  I try to organize and make life a little nicer by cooking healthy and yummy things and making decorative things for our home.  I try lots of different crafts and I spend a lot of time looking for more crafty things to do!  I think, though, that I need to slow down and really think about the things I’m doing so as to give them more meaning; otherwise it just seems like another craft I do so I can post it on my blog.  I guess what I’m saying is the act of blogging can overwhelm me at times and so my goal right  now is to be more thoughtful about what I’m doing.  I’m only human and I can’t do it all, yet;)

Two quotes for today (I love quotes!) that I find inspirational in helping me to take things slower:

I’m really excited to keep on doing and seeing what else happens!  Hope you have a great week;)