Nursery DIY: Felt Hot Air Balloon Mobile

IMG_0530For the nursery I want to DIY as many projects as I could for the decor and after researching mobiles I knew I didn’t want to spend $40 on buying one.  I don’t have a nursery theme but I thought with the stenciled cloud wall a hot air balloon mobile would be perfect.  I found this tutorial and mostly followed her instructions, except I used my sewing machine and not hand stitching to complete the balloons. IMG_9959 Using colorful pieces of felt I cut out 8 of these shapes per balloon. To make the balloons a bit more detailed I cut off the tops of the shape and sewed them on to one of another color.IMG_9958I used my sewing machine to stitch together the 8 pieces.IMG_9967and left an opening at the bottom on the last one to turn it inside out and stuff it with polyfil..IMG_9961IMG_9969 Once stuffed I used a small circle of felt and hand sewed it over the opening..I then used pieces of wine corks and hand sewed them on so they would hang like a basket.IMG_9972 I also sewed a couple little clouds and stuffed them..IMG_0101IMG_0104and made a tiny bunting for this balloon..IMG_9975 I used more felt to cover the piece it hangs from and hot glued the balloons to ribbon. and here’s the completed mobile! I think it turned out really cute and I just love it.  Hopefully baby R will too;) xoJessIMG_0526

Nursery update: Cloud wall

I went back and forth over what to do with the nursery colors, paint, and theme but I kept going back to a more neutral look that wasn’t too “baby”ish if ya know what I mean.   I had pinned a similar cloud wall for inspiration and decided to go for it, using what we had at home too.

Here’s what we did:

My husband drew the cloud onto a piece of cardboard which I cut out and taped around the edges to prevent the cardboard going soggy from paint.  He then measured out where each cloud would go. This was complicated because we both are terrible at measuring and math, so I won’t explain how we measured.  He put blue painters tape where each cloud stencil would line up with.  We taped up the stencil then painted using a mini sponge roller. IMG_0032IMG_0084 IMG_0040IMG_0043IMG_0044Our walls are super textured so I was worried about the edges bleeding/blurring outside the lines, but it worked really well.  I did have to touch up missed spots the next day but overall the project took us 4 hours one Sunday afternoon.  IMG_0098IMG_0097IMG_0096I think it turned out so well, I just love it.  There’s lots of tutorials out there on how to do this if you are interested as well. xoxojess

My nursery ideas

I did a ton of looking on interest and Project nursery once I found out we were pregnant for nursery ideas.  I would describe my taste as funky, bright, colorful, vintage, modern and eclectic.  The extra room we are using for him is pretty small, about 12×12 but it’s got a bright window and it’s a blank slate, down to the builder’s beige-white walls I haven’t touched in the 5 years we’ve lived here.

I love a bright white room with the white crib and the added color in accessories and toys.. 

Love this color combo..

like this mint and orange, black/grey and white room..

I adore this cloud wall..what if I painted them in gold or black  on a neutral wall?

as well as this polka dot wall..I could paint them in minty aqua or clementine orange..

I also luv the light aqua stripes here..maybe in gray on one wall..

So far we have the crib, Jenny lind in white as in the above pic, change table, and white painted hutch, and crib sheets/bumper/skirt in white/grey chevron and polka dots, super cute, and a closet storage cube.  My dad saved the wooden rocking chair from my childhood and plans to bring it down.  The room will probably have a vintage/modern feel and I love that mix.  I’m trying to use/reuse what’s already in our home and DIY what I can.  I have about 16 more weeks and I’d love to have the room done well in advance of baby R’s arrival so I’ll try to keep this updated as an ongoing (fun!) project for now.