DIY Woven Baskets


For our nursery, organization and storage is essential due to the small size of the rooms so I came up with a cheap way to add storage.  I had already started on the closet organization and filled it up with clothes already!

Supplies: Dollar store laundry baskets (for $1!), old pillow cases (using what we have!), scissors.

Cut the pillow cases into strips about the width of the basket holes, about 5 inches for the larger one and 2.5 for the small size.  I used about 30 strips for the larger basket and cut up 3 pillow cases (with lots of leftover scraps) to make these 2 baskets.  In the end I made 6 of the small baskets to use as storage for the changing table and 1 large to hold stuffed animals.

All I did for the smaller baskets was weave the strips in and out of the holes then tied a knot at the end of the row.  I also wrapped a strip around the top rim of the basket.  I had to tie about 2 strips together to make it long enough.  For the large basket I wrapped the strips up and down over the top and tied the knot in the bottom hole of the basket.

IMG_0003IMG_0005IMG_0118 Perfect changing table storage!IMG_0154

Please share your thoughts with me!